Why ReThinker?

Developing a positive mindset is essential for personal as well as professional success, as it profoundly affects mental health and overall well-being.

ReThinker was founded on the belief that individuals can transform their lives through mindset changes, offering tools and resources for self-improvement with writing exercises, like journaling, to guide you along the life changing healing journey that will set you up for a more positive outlook on life, a growth mindset and an overall better mental health.

ReThinker's mission is to empower personal growth through various products that promote introspection and a more optimistic perspective, emphasizing the importance of investing in mental health for a brighter future.

How it came to be

& a little about me

At some (or a few) point(s) in your life, you come to a realization. The realization that you have to make a really difficult decision. You can´t go on like this anymore. You are not happy with how things are going and you know you can not live the rest of your life like this, in this permanent state of unhappiness. The choice is; change or give up. Change your career, location, relationship, relationship status, friendships or all of these and change your entire life. Or give up. Give up your dreams and aspirations, and the hope that it gets better.

The choice itself sounds easy. However, the actions that you need to take to actually change things is very hard. I was at this point a few years ago. I wasn´t happy. Not with my then partner, not with the bar we owned, not with the house we lived in that never felt like home. In fact, I hated my life, and pretty much everything in it. Sure from the outside it looked great, with some people even telling me that they were jealous. But on the inside I was crying. I needed a change, a big change. It was then (in my late twenties) I started my healing journey. I started focusing on myself and realised I didn´t actually know myself that well. I know that sounds weird, but let me explain. I knew the superficial stuff, sure. What my favorite color is, that I am a cat & dog person, that I considered Spain my home. But what I didn´t know, was what made me truly happy, or a way to express my boundaries, or even what my boundaries were for that matter. Ofcourse I wasn´t confident, I didn´t know what my value was, nor did I know how to express it.

I started my healing/ self-love journey, to find out who I truly was, at the core, and own it! I went to therapy, I read a lot of books, I tried so, so many tips and tricks and discovered a lot. My mindset changed completely! It took me a long time, but now I am a strong confident woman who knows who she is, and owns it! On most days, I feel like I can conquer the world. Life is still, and will always be, full of ups and downs. But I have the mindset now that even on the days that are hard, I know I will be fine and I truly believe that.

And if I can feel this way, so can you! Which is why I founded ReThinker. To help guide anyone, who is willing, along their journey of self-discovery, self-love, and to a better mindset & overall mental well-being.

Kimberley Verhoeven

Founder & CEO

One of my all-time favorite quotes; ¨Don´t let the challenges that you have, whatever they may be, stop you from being who you could be, because nothing is going to defeat you but you...¨